clean solutions

at your pace

Go deeper with expert guidance in achieving a safe, nontoxic lifestyle.

About me


 I’m Avery and I live in Los Angeles, CA. I have dedicated my life to providing people with the tools they need to reduce their chemical burden and live clean.

When I was thirteen years old, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of thirty-seven. I could not comprehend how this could happen to someone who was young and healthy. This was the first instance I heard of environmental factors that could be contributing to increased adverse health outcomes among normally healthy individuals. The numbers in our world today continue to point to a large-scale problem that goes beyond the individual level.

My academic career focused on the factors that are contributing to adverse health outcomes, specific to maternal, fetal, and infant health. It became quickly apparent that there is something happening in our everyday lives that is contributing to increased risk of disease. I took a deep dive into the regulations within the United States and couldn’t believe how little the agencies that are designed to protect us are doing to check chemicals before they’re in products we touch every day.

While the information can seem dark and harrowing, I realized that there are amazing products coming to market that make the effort to be transparent, and do good for the planet. I’m here to help you find these companies, and find products that don’t make you sacrifice your health for quality.


It haunts me that so many people today do not know the true impacts of the products they use every day. This isn’t acceptable, and my mission is to inform as many people as I can so they have the power to choose for themselves.