Clean living consultant passionate about finding safe products for you & your home.

Find a balance that fits your lifestyle

I'm a big believer in progress, no matter how small. I understand an extreme approach isn’t sustainable for most of us, so it is important to work to tailor a plan that is realistic. My focus? Making healthy living doable in your day-to-day. We focus less on extremities and more on finding what is practical in your lifestyle. Offering virtual consultations or at home one-on-one sessions, my services are specifically curated to fit your individual needs. I have created three types of plans to best align with you. Whether you’re looking to improve on basic knowledge of chemicals in our every day items, targeting toxins in a specific area of your home, or undergo a full product replacement—I’ve got a plan that can flex to meet your goals.

Receive gentle guidance

With knowledge you can trust

I graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Global Health. My academic career focus on maternal, fetal, and infant health which led me down the rabbit hole of discovering the plethora of chemical carcinogens impacting our population today. This hit home for me, as my mother was only thirty-six when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. My family was lucky that a double mastectomy left my mom in remission, but many are not this lucky. I couldn’t believe the lack of regulations on chemicals in the United States, and made it my mission to inform others and shed light on the companies that are doing their part to provide transparency on their ingredients.

Discover a plan that makes you feel

worry-free balanced


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available now

available now

The Clean Beauty Encyclopedia is available now, covering ingredients to watch for, how to start your clean beauty journey, and over 600 curated clean beauty recommendations.

Choose a plan

Kitchen & cookware

Explore what toxins may be hiding within your kitchen. Take a deep dive into what simple swaps can help reduce your exposures.


cosmetics & Personal care

Take your beauty and personal care products to the next level by making them safe and effective. Non-toxic products don’t equal nonfunctional. Let’s find products that work for your routine.


Bathroom & cleaning

Shouldn’t the place you clean yourself be the most clean? You would be surprised with what’s luring in this environment. We will work to find you cleaning products that keep you healthy and your space clean.


From the Blog

let me do the research for you